Crisis routine
November 13th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Crisis routine | 1 Comment »
Beyond the fight for better labor rights, Trade Unions must widen their vision, work on tackling mass-unemployment by defending the unemployed as long as the workers.
September 25th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Beyond the crisis, Crisis routine | Leave A Comment »
Introducing a monetary dividend, ie. printing money and giving it directly to citizens through a periodical income is not a new idea, neither denuded from any rational economic arguments. Quite the contrary, actually. But will people just seriously consider the idea and claim for it to be done?
August 26th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Crisis routine | 1 Comment »
Libertarians are less altruistic and emotional, more rational and individualistic than other people, a research paper says.
August 20th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Beyond the crisis, Crisis routine | Leave A Comment »
One of the main issue of today’s economic shift of paradigm is that most of the people think like money is always scarce and has to remain so. This way, while the entire World is changing, we are still stuck into the old-fashion straitjacket of our monetary system, based on scarcity.
July 26th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Crisis routine | 1 Comment »
Despite fearful speeches, the global economy might never collapse entirely. Rather than any sort of endgame, there is a strong possibilty of being slowly but surely plunging into a slow-motion crisis that may not end in the near future. Here is why.
June 19th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Beyond the crisis, Crisis routine | Leave A Comment »
So far, I didn’t realize how important video games could be for economics experiments. Online community games, particularly, could provide a large-scale game field for economists that could help us understand human behaviors and experiments new ideas.
June 14th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Crisis routine | 4 Comments »
When talking about money and more specifically on the gold standard, there should be a “golden rule”. Not a time limit, just something simple like: every participant in such a debate must disclose how much gold (or silver) he owns.
June 11th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Beyond the crisis, Crisis routine | Leave A Comment »
While the eurogroup welcomed Spain’s demand for a European aid to recapitalize its banking system, and guaranteed a commitment up to 100 bn euros, another solution could be put in place for recapitalizing the spanish banking system : the bail-in.
May 18th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Crisis routine | Leave A Comment »
Should we fear the possibility of Greece to exit the eurozone? This is the opinion of many commentators, journalists and economists. But their arguments are often made of fallacious analysis based on poor knowledge of the situation.
May 16th, 2012 | by
Stanislas Jourdan | published in Crisis routine, Warning signs | 1 Comment »
With the crisis, greek banks have been suffering from huge deposit flight. Official figures show that at least 80 billion euros have been moved abroad since 2009. What consequences for the greek economy? And how to address the problem?